Your essay would have value if there were absolutes. Never have been, never shall be. Our standards of behavior are devised by us, and used or misused by us. We decide which is good and which is evil, and in every case we are right and wrong at one and the same time.
Each of our rules and regulations is enforced through agreement, and through coercion. The wise among us agree to follow the laws because it makes for a calmer, safer life. The fools among us must be made to follow those same laws because they haven’t the wisdom to see the necessity. And this speaks of those ordinances that do make sense.
Those that do not have to be enforced through coercion more often than not because they really don’t make any sense. And there are times when our rules make more or less sense than other times because circumstances differ.
We are responsible for our laws, and for our adherence to them. Our legislation being wise is to our credit. Our legislation being cruel is to our shame. Nobody else can remove that charge from our shoulders.
Now, I take no issue with this gentleman personally; he is doubtless a bright fellow, well-educated in our institutions of higher learning, where professors emeritus emotes their postmodern erudition in the lofty ephemeral ether, far removed from the dross of desperately ignorant humanity. He is more to be pitied than censured; he has, after all, been taught not to think. But he serves a valuable purpose herein, insofar as his comment exemplifies the mindset of those who eschew the idea of absolutes — which assertion is the metaphysical mortar of secular postmodernism.
It’s interesting that almost every argument rejecting absolutes contains within its very language and structure, not to mention its premises, a framework of absolute assertions. And our subject does not disappoint: tossing around terms like “wise” and “fools” and “shame” and “credit”, qualitative words without meaning when there is no transcendent standard against which to measure them. What is shame if not the humiliation of rejecting an absolute good? Who is wise, and who a fool, if there is no standard of enduring and unchangeable wisdom by which to categorize one thusly? The lines of their straightedge are random and irregularly spaced — if there are measuring lines at all — yet they carefully measure and mark off “progress”, confident they have measured accurately. There is, of course, the inevitable rejoinder to all such foolishness which asks, “Are you absolutely sure there are no absolutes?” But beyond this childish rebuttal — childish, not in the sense of silliness or immaturity, but rather of unvarnished simplicity — there lies an even more evident and profound incoherence which can be discerned — from which a not-so-evident proposition emerges from the heart of anti-absolutism.
It is impossible to function as a human being in society without the concept of transcendent absolutes, even if this foundational principle is unrecognized or denied. We as humans do not simply move as pack animals, driven by instinct and primal drives, but are, by nature, creatures of judgment. We constantly compare, evaluate, appreciate, or depreciate everyone and everything around us. The food is either tasty or awful; the woman is attractive or homely; the music is beautiful or grating; the weather is warm and pleasant or cold, wet, and miserable. Of course, some of these judgments are self-referential: the food tastes good or bad to us; we prefer rock music to Rachmaninoff, while others may differ. Thus, we individually determine the standard against which we measure objects apart from ourselves. Yet even there, it is possible to compare our preferences to a fixed standard: is slasher rock not discernibly different in quality from a Bach fugue?
But within the realm of human interactions, writ large as communities, societies, nations, and cultures, judgments about the outside world become collective, embodied in law and cultural and social strictures. Behavior objectionable to some is desirable to others; that which some find beneficial, others find harmful. At this level of community and human interactions, some overarching determination or standard against which interpersonal behavior is measured becomes utterly necessary if we are to avoid a society capricious in its justice or cruel in its enforcement.
The anti-absolutist posits this standard in the group’s consensus, be it tribal, community, or society. The society at large, whatever its dimensions, determines that particular behavior is acceptable or unacceptable and enforces the standard through collective coercion or force. While this seems plausible at first glance, it almost immediately becomes problematic with the de facto use of absolutes. What standard will the collective mind of a society choose? Is it simply the standard of survival? Is it a collective self-gratification? Self-interest alone? And how can it be a standard without becoming, to a greater or lesser degree, a transcendent absolute? We consider the Holocaust to be a moral abomination (although some do not!) — but the Nazis considered it an absolute moral good. How can we judge which of these is true?
If, as our commenter suggests, we decide what is good and what is evil, what is right and wrong, are these standards not infinitely malleable by their very nature? Such a philosophy of law is nothing more than the tyranny of the masses, the rule of the mob. A society may agree by consensus that certain members of the society are inferior by nature or should be exterminated or have their possessions confiscated, their daughters raped, and their members sold into slavery. Such societies are not mere abstract entities but stark historical realities, evident in gulags, ethnic cleansings, and rape rooms to which even our most recent history testify. Such a philosophy in its purest form is the will to power; those who gain dominance, either in number or by force, determine the standard against which all will be judged.
The notion that such a standard is invariably beneficial to a society or culture is ludicrous in the light of history. One need look no further than the 20th century, where the social consensus arising out of pathologies such as Nazism, Marxism, and the emperor worship, racism, and militarism of Japan, wrought horrors upon not only the world but especially on the societies themselves embraced these pathological standards. That German militarism and anti-semitism were profoundly destructive to the very culture that engendered these ideas and standards is self-evident; the citizens of Hiroshima would no doubt disagree about the salutary nature of Japan’s imperialistic and fanatical militarism.
Yet, in the world of the anti-absolutist, one cannot form a judgment about any such self-evident evils. It cannot say that Nazism and the Holocaust were evil — they can only say that by their standards, self-engendered and not universal, that such abominations are different. The inevitable moral indifference from such a philosophy contradicts every fiber of the human spirit. We cannot say such things are evil if we cannot reference them against an absolute standard arising above and transcending any consensus formed only by society.
Our very language is steeped in the vocabulary of absolutes — it is impossible to communicate without them. Good and evil, right and wrong, justice and injustice, wisdom and foolishness: these concepts are universal, ubiquitous, and inseparable from language and thought, across all cultures and civilizations.
The consequences of the rejection of absolutes, fully embraced, are nothing short of anarchy—or in its stead, tyranny. There can be no true justice, for justice appeals to a standard above the law, and thus judges not only behavior contrary to law, but the law itself. Absent a transcendent moral absolute, there is no limit to the granularity at which arbitrary determinations of good and evil, right and wrong, may occur. it is a recipe for tribalism at best, as competing groups determine their own rules, rejecting those of other groups, large or small, which run contrary to their perceived needs or desires. The inevitable conflict between tribal standards can bring nothing but perpetual conflict or isolation.
Those who claim to reject absolutes do not, in reality, reject all absolutes. There is never a quibble about the law of gravity, the laws of nature, or those of nuclear physics or astronomy. Were they consistent in their philosophy, they would reject the term “law” (which implies an underlying transcendent; there is, after all, no laws without law-givers) and instead describe what their metaphysics mandates: that seemingly predictable behavior is no more than random coincidence; the electron may fall into the nucleus at any time, ending this existence as dramatically and as randomly as it came into being. As Chesterton said, “They feel that because one incomprehensible thing constantly follows another incomprehensible thing, the two together somehow make up a comprehensible thing.”
At the very heart of a philosophy of deterministic, self-engendered moral standards stands the individual. The rejection of moral absolutes is nothing more than radical individualism broadcast across society—the notion that we are the sole arbiters of our behavior and morality, the we alone determine what is right and what is wrong. As a corollary, there is another assumption underlying this one: that others should bear the consequences, especially adverse consequences, of our actions. Those who reject moral absolutes gravitate to a nihilistic narcissism, where there are rights but no responsibilities, demanding freedom to act as they please without thought for anyone else, all the while demanding that others rescue them from wreckage their behavior has wrought.
This battle of worldviews lies at the very heart of our culture wars, of the endless societal conflicts engendered over abortion, religion in the public square, the status of heterosexual marriage, unrestricted sexual license, or any one of a host of other seemingly irreconcilable culture clashes which saturate and sour our daily lives. It is a take-no-prisoners battle, for there is no middle ground, no comfortable compromise that will bring peace and harmony. It is a battle to the death, not only of the mind but of the heart. Democracy does, indeed, die in darkness.
It is well past time for us — individually as well as a society — to choose: which of these tenets is true, and which is the philosophy of fools.
Choose wisely; the choice is surely critical.