A physician explores medicine, faith, culture and life's passions
The wonders, challenges, and joys in caring for patients.
One of the large and seemingly unsolvable issues in this country (and elsewhere) is the high and rising cost of health care. A large, government program...
I wanna live with the cinnamon girl I could be happy the rest of my life With my cinnamon girl. Joe (not his real name) is an.....
A recent discussion regarding access to health care caught my eye. Like many such posts, there was a brisk repartee in the comment section on the topic.....
This is my call weekend. Call weekends — where you cover for a host of other physicians, so that the fortunate many may enjoy some time off.....
The practice of medicine is one of the most gratifying careers possible, but it is relentless in its demands and unforgiving of imperfections — both those of.....
Lying on my desk, clipped to a yellow manila binder, is a single sheet of paper. Its pleasant color format and sampled photomicrograph belie the gravity of.....
Cloaked in slogans of personal autonomy and “Death with Dignity”, euthanasia proponents seek to replace the sterile prolongation of a now-meaningless life with the warm embrace of.....
In the years following the Great War, a sense of doom and panic settled over Germany. Long concerned about a declining birth rate, the country faced the.....
His reversal surgery went smoothly — dozens of sutures too fine for the unaided eye, reconstructing his vasectomy to restore fertility. The outcome was promising, the young.....
He was an average-looking kid, maybe 25, what statisticians might call “an outlier” — not quite strange enough to be bizarre, but definitely a bit “out there”.....
I recently upgraded my voice recognition software (Dragon NaturallySpeaking) to a new version. I have been using voice recognition software for over five years now, and have.....
In contemporary social and political discourse, we frequently hear of the Rule of Law, especially in our postmodern culture where bad behavior is often justified (and excused).....