A physician explores medicine, faith, culture and life's passions
Is the arc of history destined for a utopian end?
Do not move the ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers. — Proverbs 22:28 — Ancient wisdom: a sage injunction uttered in a time when simple.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Part 1: Moving the Ancient Boundaries Do not move the ancient.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Moving the Ancient Boundaries The Rebel & the Victim Do not.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Moving the Ancient Boundaries The Rebel & the Victim Undermining Civil.....
It has become common knowledge that much of our educational system longer exists to impart the fundamentals of math, science, ethics, history...
We are ruled by experts. They are everywhere: on TV, the internet, and YouTube, advising us about raising our children and improving our sex life; in magazines.....
Caring, looking, listening, not judging...
Newsweek has informed us: We are all Socialists now. Well, I suppose that’s true — although it might have been useful information to disclose, oh, ten years.....