A physician explores medicine, faith, culture and life's passions
Are there no absolutes, and is all morality only culturally derived?
Do not move the ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers. — Proverbs 22:28 — Ancient wisdom: a sage injunction uttered in a time when simple.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Part 1: Moving the Ancient Boundaries Do not move the ancient.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Moving the Ancient Boundaries The Rebel & the Victim Do not.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Moving the Ancient Boundaries The Rebel & the Victim Undermining Civil.....
It has become common knowledge that much of our educational system longer exists to impart the fundamentals of math, science, ethics, history...
If we decide for ourselves what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong, are these standards not infinitely malleable by their.....
There is an alternative to our current cultural narcissism ... this revolutionary force is called Christianity.
We live in an age where the notion of truth, of absolutes which transcend the individual and society, is increasingly under assault. Ours is an age of.....
David Foster Wallace, a writer, professor and committed atheist, died on Sept 12, 2008. He was perhaps best known for his book about John McCain’s 2000 presidential.....
Some things, it seems, never change: scientists never have doubts — and those who doubt their unerring wisdom must be mentally unwell.
The hallmark of the current postmodern climate is the denial of undeniable truths.
We now deny God while worshipping at the alter of science and materialism.