One of life’s great pleasures for me is discovering new music. Now, mind you, this is rarely new in the sense of being a new group which has just broken onto the scene; in most cases, I’m discovering music, artists, or groups which have been around for some time, yet unbeknownst to me.
One such artist I have encountered is Jonny Lang. One of his songs, “Lie to Me,” caught my ear on a streaming music service, and I jotted it down and subsequently made a beeline for iTunes.
Turns out, this guy is nothing short of extraordinary. He starts playing the guitar at age 12, releases his first album at 13, and his second album — his first solo and signature blues work, Lie to Me — is released at age 15, and goes triple platinum. He blows away critics with a voice which, at age 15, sounded like a hardened blues player three times his age. It’s gutter-grating gritty, his phrasing and expression incredibly innovative, and the guitar playing is evocative of such blues greats as Stevie Ray Vaughn, with exquisitely blended influences of soul, R&B, Motown, and gospel music. Before he turns 20, he’s touring as the warm-up band for Aerosmith, Sting, Jeff Beck, Clapton, the Rolling Stones, and B. B. King.
However, life in the fast lane is often unkind and unforgiving. Many troubadours older and more mature than he have fallen to its brutal revenge — think Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin, Brian Jones, and many others —to whom the Roman candle of fame proved both furious and lethal. Drugs, sex, and rock ‘n roll often prove a highway to Hell, and Jonny Lang was driving that freeway with the pedal to the metal.
Then something changed —drastically, almost cataclysmically. In what can only be termed an extraordinary conversion experience, his entire life was transformed, bringing with it his music, immediately ending his addiction to alcohol and drugs, and changing his very face and disposition:
I was not thinking about God, not at all. In the middle of our conversation, from that same spot that I felt something had hit me earlier, I just felt something start welling up, just burning in me, and it came up out of my throat. It was like I was throwing up, and the name “Jesus” just came out of my mouth. I just said “Jesus!”
Interviewer: Mid conversation?
Lang: Yeah. And when I said “Jesus,” my whole body started shaking. Haylie was looking right at me (laughing).
I kept shaking, and I knew when it was done that I had been completely set free of all my addictions, and I knew that I didn’t have to smoke or drink or do drugs anymore. All I could do was fall on the ground, and I gave my life to him right there. I was just in shock. I thought, “I totally despised you, and you just did this to me?!“
Check out his music video for “Lie to Me”: (Note: Embedded YouTube videos often default to half-speed, for some reason. Click the gear icon and change the playing speed to 1.05 if so)
Now, take a look at his face, and watch him perform after his experience. It is almost like he has been replaced by another human being.
Which, in a very real sense, he has.
You can read about his rather extraordinary conversion, and the changes it made in his life, below, and here. Check it out.