Recently, while relaxing, drinking camomile tea and meditating on my navel — or at least that part still visible — I came across a little sidebar news blurb in our local paper which caught my eye.
A local man who shot an intruder sent to his home to beat him up for refusing to pay for $22,000 worth of sex acts, pleaded guilty to a drug charge in connection with the incident.
Now, those who are regular readers here will quickly surmise that I am no proponent of visiting ladies of the evening — it’s a bad idea, no matter how you slice it. Wisdom dictates that all you stallions hang with the filly you brought to the dance, if you catch my drift. And fellows getting entangled with the law over damsels of desire is hardly newsworthy nowadays, but…
$22,000 in sex acts??!! Yes, that’s two 2’s before the comma. 22k. 220 Benjamins.
Whoa, nelly!
Now, I’m not not dead yet, and certainly have no plans to visit the working ladies, but I can tell you that $200 in sex acts would probably kill me — assuming my wife didn’t first.
But $22,000 worth?? The mind boggles..
No wonder he was harvesting medical marijuana…