A physician explores medicine, faith, culture and life's passions
The hallmark of the current postmodern climate is the denial of undeniable truths.
This little nugget popped up some time back, and received relatively little notice at the time. In brief, our friends at the Washington State Democratic web site.....
First of a series of essays on the challenge of understanding miracles in Christianity
On miracles: is there a discrepancy between the Jesus of history and the Jesus of faith?
Is there evidence outside of the Scriptures that Jesus existed?
Can the Scriptures be believed in what they say about Jesus?
The importance of the empty tomb: miracle or myth?
One of the large and seemingly unsolvable issues in this country (and elsewhere) is the high and rising cost of health care. A large, government program...
They say that hell is hot. Sometimes, however, it is very, very cold. Triumph in tragedy.
The corruption of language is the subversion of thought.
Do not move the ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers. — Proverbs 22:28 — Ancient wisdom: a sage injunction uttered in a time when simple.....
This is a series on the erosion of moral, cultural, and ethical boundaries in modern society: Part 1: Moving the Ancient Boundaries Do not move the ancient.....